About Us

Big Papa Rob Podcast Story Rewind started in June of 2023. When we started the podcast it was stories about people, places, or things. If you are interested in those episodes go back and listen to episodes 1 through 16.

In October I started seeing a mother on TikTok trying to get information out on social media about her missing daughter. Her story and the struggles she was having with getting her daughters missing persons case into main stream media really got to me. I decided to do an episode about her missing daughter which is episode 17 The Missing Layla Santanello. At first I wasn’t sure if this would be a one off for my podcast but as I started looking into missing persons cases i found that there were so many more missing persons that needed their stories told. I decided to dedicate my podcast to telling the stories of missing persons.

In 2024 my wife Mandy agreed to start recording the podcast with me. Having her join the podcast I think has improved the story telling of these cases. without the support of my wonderful wife, i don’t know if I would be able to do these podcasts.